“Joseph Vernon Banks or as we knew him, “Joe” Composer, Teacher, Conductor and Great Friend to Theater for the New City, passed away this November. His Music for TNC’s annual Street theater 5-borough tour, lent grace and joy to a new Musical with book and lyrics by Crystal Field. His generosity of spirit pervaded the theater during the rehearsals and performances of each new work. In his last years, he mentored and Supported Peter Dizzoza as an up and coming composer for the Street theater. Although, sorely missed, his influence on Peter’s music will last long into the Future, and his philosophy showed itself in his Music and Greatly influenced Crystal Fields Direction in her writing. His legacy, therefore, is strong, vibrant and will continue in the years to come. His memory will remain in the hearts of the many street theater performers that graced and will grace the outside stage of each new Operetta for the Street”
-Crystal Field