A group of school children, attending a normal school day, go on an unexpected (zoom) journey of discovery.
asking questions.. in pursuit of answers.
Written By & Starring:
Emilie Gutierrez
Emmanuel Burke
Heera Gandhu
Ivan Yu
Mahan Gandhu
Marissa Katchen
Neil Yu
Oliver Bromberg
Puran Ekya
Seva Gandhu
Program Director: Michael – David Gordon
Teachers: Celestina Bradsher, Justin Rodriguez, Michael Sanders, T. Scott Lily
Administration/Tech: Natasha Velez
Technical Director: John David West
Theater For The New City Artistic Director: Crystal Field
Theater for the New City’s Arts-in-Education Program is funded in part by a grant from the New York State Council on the Arts.
*A Special Dedication to former program director Juan Villegas whose prior leadership and guidance proved invaluable to this project, and whose artistic spirit is embedded within this work.